Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


Dahsyatnya Neraka
Saudaraku ... kebalikan dari berbagai kenikmatan di atas, sebagian makhluk malah menuju neraka yang teramat panas. Dan Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala telah memperingatkan kepada kita tentang neraka dalam kitab-Nya dan melalui lisan Rasul-Nya. Allah telah menggambarkan kepada kita tentang berbagai bentuk siksaan yang terdapat di dalamnya dengan penggambaran yang mampu membuat hati dan jantung ini serasa terbelah-belah. Maka perhatikanlah baik-baik terhadap apa yang datang dalam Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah tentang berbagai bentuk adzab (siksaan) di dalamnya.
Di antara siksaan-siksaan bagi penduduk neraka adalah :
[1]. Kulit mereka diganti dengan yang baru, sebagaimana Allah berfirman yang artinya, "Setiap kali kulit mereka hangus, Kami ganti kulit mereka dengan kulit yang lain, supaya mereka merasakan adzab." (An Nisa' : 56).
[2]. Bara apinya membakar sampai ke hati, sebagaimana Allah berfirman yang artinya, "(Yaitu) api (yang disediakan) Allah yang dinyalakan, yang (membakar) sampai ke hati." (Al Humazah : 6-7).
[3]. Mereka diseret ke neraka di atas wajah mereka, sebagaimana dalam firman-Nya yang artinya, "(Ingatlah) pada hari mereka diseret ke neraka atas muka mereka." (Al Qomar : 48).
[4]. Minuman mereka seperti besi yang mendidih, sebagaimana Allah berfirman yang artinya, "Dan jika mereka meminta minum, niscaya mereka akan diberi minum dengan air seperti besi yang mendidih yang menghanguskan muka. Itulah minuman yang paling buruk dan tempat istirahat yang paling jelek." (Al Kahfi : 29).
[5]. Tubuh mereka membesar, sebagaimana sabda beliau shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam yang artinya, "Gigi taring orang kafir besarnya seperti gunung uhud dan tebal kulit mereka seukuran tiga perjalanan." (Shohihul Jaami')
Begitu syadiid (keras) siksaan ini, lalu siksaan apa yang paling ringan bagi penghuni neraka? Rasulullahshollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya, "Sesungguhnya penduduk neraka yang paling ringan siksanya ialah orang yang mengenakan dua sandal dari neraka lalu mendidih otaknya karena sangat mencekam panas dua sandalnya." (HR. Muslim). Wahai saudaraku ... tidakkah kalian takut dengan siksa yang pedih dan dahsyat ini ??!

read this article!

[1]. Merasakan nikmatnya sungai susu, arak, dan madu, sebagaimana Allah Ta'ala berfirman yang artinya," (Apakah) perumpamaan (penghuni) surga yang dijanjikan kepada orang-orang yang bertakwa yang di dalamnya ada sungai-sungai dari air yang tidak berubah rasa dan baunya, sungai-sungai dari air susu yang tidak berubah rasanya, sungai-sungai dari khamer (arak) yang lezat rasanya bagi peminumnya dan sungai-sungai dari madu yang disaring." (Muhammad : 15).
[2]. Mendapatkan isteri yang masih belia dan berumur sebaya, sebagaimana firman Allah yang artinya, ”Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang bertaqwa mendapat kemenangan, (yaitu) kebun-kebun dan buah anggur, dan gadis-gadis remaja yang sebaya." (An Naba' : 31-33).
[3]. Hidup kekal dengan nikmat lahir dan batin, sebagaimana Rasulullah shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya, "Siapa yang masuk surga selalu merasa nikmat, tidak pernah susah, pakaiannya tidak pernah cacat, dan kepemudaannya tidak pernah sirna." (HR. Muslim).
[4]. Diberi umur muda, sebagaimana Nabi shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya, "Ahli surga, berbadan indah tanpa bulu, matanya indah bercelak, umurnya 30 atau 33 tahun." (Shohihul Jaami').
[5]. Memandang wajah Allah yang mulia, sebagaimana diriwayatkan dari Shuhaib, bahwa Nabi shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Jika surga telah dimasuki oleh para penghuninya, ada yang menyeru : 'Wahai penduduk surga, sesungguhnya Alloh mempunyai suatu janji untuk kalian yang janji tersebut berada di sisi Allah, di mana Dia ingin menuaikannya.' Mereka berkata : 'Apakah itu? Bukankah Dia telah memberatkan timbangan-timbangan kami, memasukkan kami ke surga, dan menyelamatkan kami dari neraka?' Beliau melanjutkan : 'Maka Allah menyingkapkan hijabnya (tabirnya), sehingga mereka melihat-Nya (wajah Allah). Demi Allah, Allah belum pernah memberikan sesuatu pun yang lebih mereka cintai dan menyejukkan pandangan mereka daripada melihat-Nya." (HR. Muslim).
Masih banyak sekali ayat dan hadits lainnya yang menerangkan tentang sifat-sifat surga, kenikmatannya, kesenangannya, kebahagiannya, dan keelokannya. Semoga Allah menjadikan kita sebagai penghuninya.

Jalan Menuju Surga
Jika ada yang bertanya tentang amal dan jalan menuju ke surga, maka jawabannya telah Allah berikan secara jelas dalam wahyu yang diturunkan kepada Rasul-Nya yang mulia. Di antaranya sebagaimana yang Allah jelaskan dalam surat Al Mu'minuun ayat 1-11. Beberapa sifat-sifat penghuni surga -semoga Allah menjadikan kita sebagai penghuninya- dari ayat tersebut adalah:
Pertama, beriman kepada Allah dan perkara-perkara yang wajib diimani dengan keimanan yang mewajibkan penerimaan, ketundukan, dan kepatuhan.
Kedua, khusyu' dalam shalatnya yaitu hatinya hadir dan anggota tubuhnya tenang.
Ketiga, menjauhkan diri dari perkataan dan perbuatan yang sia-sia (yang tidak mempunyai faedah dan kebaikan).
Keempat, menunaikan zakat yaitu bagian harta yang wajib dikeluarkan atau mensucikan jiwa mereka (karena salah satu makna zakat adalah bersuci) berupa perkataan dan perbuatan.
Kelima, menjaga kemaluannya, kecuali terhadap isteri dan budaknya.
Keenam, memelihara amanah yang dipercayakan dan memenuhi janjinya baik kepada Alloh, kepada sesama mukmin, ataupun kepada makhluk lainnya.
Ketujuh, melaksanakan sholat pada waktunya, sesuai dengan bentuknya yang sempurna, dengan memenuhi syarat, rukun, dan kewajibannya.
Selain ayat di atas, Rasulullah shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam juga telah menjelaskan tentang jalan menuju surga yaitu dengan menuntut ilmu syar'i. Rasulullah shollallohu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda yang artinya, "Barangsiapa yang menempuh satu jalan untuk menuntut ilmu, niscaya Allah akan memudahkannya dalam menempuh jalan ke surga." (HR. Muslim). Ya Alloh, mudahkanlah kami untuk melaksanakan amalan-amalan ini dan menetapkan kami di atasnya.


Saudaraku yang semoga dirahmati oleh Allah, sesungguhnya orang yang tidak mengenal kemuliaan akhirat dan malas beribadah akan menganggap dunia ini sebagai negeri yang senantiasa ia tempati. Ia selalu merasa kurang terhadap apa yang dimilikinya, tidak pernah merasa cukup mengejar dunia sampai segala keinginannya terpenuhi. Padahal, apa yang ia usahakan, berupa harta, anak, dan lain-lain, semua itu tidak akan pernah menimbulkan kepuasan pada dirinya, bahkan mampu membawa kesengsaraan baginya. Seharusnya dia menyadari bahwa sebentar lagi kematian akan menghampirinya. Adapun orang yang mendapat taufik, dia menyadari bahwa dunia dan segala keindahannya itu hanyalah tipuan belaka, sehingga dia tidak terperdaya  bahkan sebaliknya akan bergegas menuju ampunan Allah serta surga yang seluas langit dan bumi, yang dipersiapkan bagi orang beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya.

Kenikmatan di Surga
Saudaraku … bersegeralah menuju ampunan Rabb kalian dan surga yang seluas langit dan bumi. Di dalamnya terdapat berbagai kenikmatan yang tidak pernah terlihat oleh mata, terdengar oleh telinga, ataupun terbetik  di hati seorangpun. Hal ini sebagaimana dibenarkan oleh firman Allah 'azza wa jalla yang artinya,

kode ezzec

  • Ъ ъ : (also known as the hard sign, back yer, or tvyordiy znak) is shaped like the letter b, but has no phonetic value on its own in modern  languages. The ъ serves as an orthographic device that indicates that the consonant preceding the ъ is not palatalized.
  • Ь ь :  (also known as the front yer, or myagkiy znak) is also shaped like the letter b, but has no phonetic value on its own in modern languages. The ь serves as orthographic device that indicates that the consonant preceding the ь is softened or palatalized.
  • ẞ ß : 
  • ␢ : U+2422  
  • ♭: The  in music, mentioned above, still closely resembles lowercase b.

Iseng doang

Jangan bilang percaya diri kalo belum kenal yourself. Jangan bilang gaul kalo bisanya boong doang. Kita gabutuh perfect
 Cukup sederhana tapi jelas tujuan hidup.

Jangan suka nangis garagara hal aneh. Kita bahkan lebih dibawah level melarat dan sekarat. Tapi kita kuat.
Ngakunya doang tegas tapi sayang ga berani memberantas...
Bisanya cuman bilang

"Ini sudah jalan hidup"



the mackymax book

Last year I decided to knit some cupcakes for Christmas for the many three year olds in my life, including Miss S.  Simple, I thought, I'll just get a free pattern from the internet, knit up sets of six in various gorgeous colours, and "voila".

Not so much - and so started a journey into the fabulous world of knitted cupcakes et al, with all its failures and eventual success!

First attempt:

I can knit in the round on DPNs, but I prefer not to because I'm a lazy knitter and I like to watch TV while I do it, and having all those needles dangling about does my head in, so my first attempt was adapting a knitting in the round pattern onto straight needles:

"The Deflated Boob"

Ha ha...  not enough stuffing, crooked and knit a bit loose.  Miss S liked it though, so I continued on with that pattern and knitted some other "flavours", experimenting with the pattern to get the look I was after, but all I came up with was this group of mis-matched weirdos:

"The Motley Crew"

Their bases are too bulbous, and they are inexplicably different sizes, but I found the sprinkles and choc drops fun :).

So I turned to crochet, thinking that I might be able to make a more rigid fabric and control the shape more.  In my internet searches I stumbled upon the wonderful world of Amigurumi, a Japanese type of crochet.  I vaguely remembered how to crochet (I nagged my Grandmother to teach me when I was about 10), but a few YouTube tutorials later and I was good to go.

"The, I think I'm Turning Japanese"

Here is the free pattern, if you would like to try one yourself:


I didn't sew the face on mine as shown in the pattern and I simplified the cherry, but I think it's quite cute.

I then got a little distracted and free-crocheted a little strawberry and cherry tomato, for Miss S.

scratch miith

Newborn Scratch Mitts with Seed Stitch Trim:

0 - 3 months

26 stitches and 36 rows = 4" (10cm) in stocking stitch

3.5mm needles (US size 4), or whatever size is needed to obtain gauge
1 x 50g ball of dk weight yarn (I used Sublime baby cashmere merino silk dk in shade 0006, 'pebble' - this one ball of wool will do your hat and your mitts)
Tapestry needle

CO 28 stitches (I use cable cast-on because it creates a lovely edge)

Continue in K1, P1 seed stitch for 12 rows.

Row 13:  K1, M1L, K until there is one stitch left on the left needle, M1L, K1 (30 stitches)
Row 14:  Purl
Row 15:  K1, M1L, K until there is one stitch left on the left needle, M1L, K1 (32 stitches)
Row 16:  Purl
Row 17:  K1, M1L, K until there is one stitch left on the left needle, M1L, K1 (34 stitches)
Row 18:  Purl
Row 19:  K1, M1L, K until there is one stitch left on the left needle, M1L, K1 (36 stitches)
Row 20:  Purl

Row 21 - 26 Alternate Knit and Purl rows beginning with a Knit row

Row 27:  K1, (K2tog, K3) to end (29 stitches)
Row 28:  Purl
Row 29:  K1, (K2tog, K2) to end (22 stitches)
Row 30:  Purl
Row 31:  K1, (K2tog, K1) to end (15 stitches)
Row 32:  Purl
Row 33:  (K2tog) 7 times, K1 (8 stitches)

Break off yarn leaving a 20cm (8") tail.  Thread this tail through your tapestry needle and thread through remaining 8 stitches, removing them from the knitting needle.

Draw up tightly and fasten off so there is no hole.

Sew up mitt along seam using the mattress stitch.   Weave in ends.

Position seam along centre back of mitt.

Knit another one!


hat bain

Newborn - to fit heads 35-37 cm (14 - 14 & 1/2")
(the pattern for 3-6 month size is in the comments section of this post, below)

26 stitches and 36 rows = 4" (10cm) in stocking stitch

3.5mm needles (US size 4), or whatever size is needed to obtain gauge
1 x 50g ball of dk weight yarn (I used Sublime baby cashmere merino silk dk in shade 0006, 'pebble' - this one ball of wool will do your hat and your mitts)
Tapestry needle

CO 78 stitches (I use cable cast-on because it creates a lovely edge)
Continue in K1, P1 seed stitch until you have 4 cm (1 & 1/2") of knitting on your needles

Continue to work in stocking (stockinette) stitch for a further 5cm (2").

Crown decreases:
Row 1:  K1, (K2tog, K5) to end.  (67 stitches on the needle)
Row 2:  Purl
Row 3:  K1 (K2tog, K4) to end.  (56 stitches on the needle)
Row 4:  Purl
Row 5:  K1 (K2tog, K3) to end.  (45 stitches on the needle)
Row 6:  Purl
Row 7:  K1 (K2tog, K2) to end.  (34 stitches on the needle)
Row 8:  Purl
Row 9:  K1 (K2tog, K1) to end.  (23 stitches on the needle)
Row 10:  Purl
Row 11:  K1 (K2tog) 11 times.  (12 stitches on the needle)

Break off yarn leaving a 30cm (12") tail.  Thread this tail through your tapestry needle and thread through remaining 12 stitches, removing them from the knitting needle.

Draw up tightly and fasten off so there is no hole.

Sew up hat along seam using the mattress stitch.   Weave in ends.

Position seam along centre back of hat.

The 3-6 month size is as follows:

CO 81 stitches

Work in moss stitch for 4cm, finishing after a ws row

Work in stockinette stitch for a further 5 cm, finishing after a knit row

Decrease 3 stitches evenly across the next row (this will be a purl row). Decrease one stitch each (P2tog) at around the 20th stitch, 40th stitch and 60th stitch.

You will now have 78 stitches on the needle.

Begin crown decreases:
Crown decreases are as for the 0-3 month size above.

Follow instructions for the 0-3 month size for drawing up, fastening-off and sewing up.

Flower decoration:

size hat

My friend Reanna is having a baby boy at the end of February, and it's her babyshower this Saturday night.  Being that one of my "2011 crafty new year's resolutions" is to make as many gifts as possible, I decided a bit of knitting was in order.

Being a little short on time, I looked around the internet for some quick-knit patterns.  I wanted to do a hat and booties or a hat and scratch mitts set, but couldn't find the exact thing I was looking for.  So I just started knitting, then I unravelled, started again, un-picked, started again - all the while making note of the patterns that were developing.

I made a little tag out of recycled paper to safety pin to the mitts and hat.  On the reverse it has the care instructions which I took from the yarn wrapper.

I had this most amazing yarn to use up - it is a cashmere/ merino/ silk blend which I picked up in New Zealand last year and have used to make a lot of beautiful baby things.  It is incredibly soft and has this lovely subtle sheen to it.

So, I have some patterns to share with you!  These are suitable for absolute beginners as they are very straightforward.  They are also fast to knit up - meaning you don't have to delay your gratification and can knit either the hat or mitts in one evening (or both if you're fast).

If you're a beginner, you will need to be able to do the following before starting. Click on any of the terms below to be taken to a video showing you how to do it (the videos below are for "English" knitters - if you're a Continental knitter, please refer to this very useful glossary of terms featuring videos).


I thought I would do a quick tutorial for those that are interested in whipping up a few of these stars in the lead-up to Christmas.

They are really simple and I have included step-by-step pictures to help if you are beginner at crochet.

Just a few things to start:  I am going to use UK crochet terminology, a 2.5ml crochet hook and baby cotton.  You can experiment with the yarn and hook size to get the look you're after.  My instructions are illustrated in the picture(s) above them.  The pattern is written below in full, without pictures, for those that like to work like that.

I give full acknowledgement of the base pattern to a rather ancient, out-of-print book given to me by my Grandmother many years ago, "Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlecraft".    If you ever see this book for sale in a second hand store, grab it.  It's my needlecraft Bible.

its been a big week

It's been a big week here in our household.  My sister in law is here so the kids and I have been really enjoying her company.  We've also been enjoying the snow and many other Christmassy pursuits, especially baking.

So there's been...

 A little gingerbread baking...

A little fruit mince tart making...

A little bowl and spoon licking...

A little menu planning...

And there's also been...

Visiting Christmas markets in gorgeous medieval Swiss towns...

...snowy Christmas tree admiring...

...gratuitous use of my new Kitchenaid belgian waffle maker....

...grinning in the snow...

...posing for unsuccessful family pics...

...admiring the view...

...fondue consuming...


...snow angel making...

brown paper

...brown paper packages, tied up with string...

... And because most of the gifts I have bought/ made need to wing their way to the other side of the world, I've started on the wrapping early, customising the paper and tags with the stamps I've made.  Such fun.


And on another note, if you're like me and you like to listen to Christmas music while you craft or bake, I can recommend this station to you - http://somafm.com/listen/


I've managed to tick a few more Christmas projects off my list this week. 

A couple of months ago I had this idea to make a present for Miss M - a hanging heart for her nursery door.  Unfortunately I knew at the time I wasn't going to have time to make it.  So I made some sketches in my visual diary for later. 

This week, when I could steal a few moments, I transferred the design onto a linen heart, (it was already sewn as it was a previously abandoned project!), and began to stitch...

I used the same fabric and palette as my hoop art (from my previous post).  Together with that hoop art, that's Miss M's present done and dusted!

I've also been carving up a storm.  Rubber stamp carving is my newest hobby and I'm really enjoying it.  I got inspired by this lovely video tutorial from an artist called Geninne Zlatkis.  She also has a book out on the subject which I am willing Santa to stuff in my stocking this year!  These stamps are presents for friends, and also for my annual Mucky Macbook Christmas giveaway (watch this space!).

paint and dress

Understanding Lining Fabric + Resources

This is a follow-up post to this post and again, if you don’t have Easy Guide to Sewing Linings by Connie Long, you need it and you should buy the e-book right now! Today, I wanted to share my online resources plus a few tips on what kinds of fabrics can work as a lining. Sometimes ideas from others make a big difference in how we view the usefulness of a fabric. So here goes.
bemberg rayon lining
First let’s talk lining fabrics and what kinds of fabrics work as linings that aren’t labeled “linings.” So there are the typical “lining” fabrics that you can find at a fabric store. They are usually labeled “linings” or a sales associate will most likely point you in that direction when you say you’re looking for a lining. You probably already know what I’m talking about too. Usually the “lining” fabrics are all solid colors, many are polyester or acetate and they all have that “slippery” quality. But let’s say you’re pretty much tired of these low-grade low-quality, unbreathable crummy linings and you’ve decided to expand your search for something else. What do you do? Well, there is a great lining that is called bemberg rayon lining or ambiance. It comes in a variety of solid colors, its breathable, it high quality and lasts and feels wonderful against your skin. I use bemberg for most of my lined garments. I have easy access to this fabric and quite frankly its the lowest cost/highest quality lining “lining” fabric out there. But wait, there’s more!
silk charmeuse solid & printed
Let me acquaint you with my favorite luxury lining – silk charmeuse. Yes, you can use silk charmeuse as a lining. I find it very interesting that people get so turned off by this idea or that they laugh in my face because yes, the price is a little astronomical, but I’m telling you, you have not lived until you have a garment that is lined is silk charmeuse. There is a very valid reason that couturiers use this fabric as a lining. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you should line everything in silk charmeuse, but when the lining really counts, silk charmeuse is the ticket. Plus you can get printed silk charmeuse for extra special garments. And it is worth every. single. cent.
silk crepe de chine, printed & solid
There are other types of silks that work great as linings as well, including crepe de chine and china silk. Crepe de chine is a crepe silk that looks like the matte side of silk charmeuse. It works great as a lining in jackets, I think, but its not as slippery as a charmeuse, so keep that in mind. China silk is very very lightweight and has a plain weave to it. It’s great as a lining in garments that are delicate.
hammered polyester charmeuse
I’ve had a lot of people say that they would love to use “printed linings” more often if they could only find them. Wouldn’t we all? Printed linings can be really really fun. Surprisingly, I’ve found some pretty high grade polyester charmeuses at Joann that would do the job of a lining quite well. No they aren’t as fabulous as actual silk, but especially in a jacket, polyesters can do really well. So keep your eyes open for polyester silky prints at your local fabric store and expect to be surprised at how much nicer they are in comparison to the actual “lining” fabrics you find there.
from left to right, knit lining and two stretch woven linings
What about linings for stretch fabrics? Stretch lining can be practically impossible to find. Seriously. We carry a few a Yellow Bird Fabrics and I always tell customers about them because of their rarity. When looking at a stretch lining, there are woven stretch linings and knit linings. I have a great resource for both below. Be aware that these linings are rarely, if ever, all natural fibers. But that’s OK! Stretch woven lining should have lycra (or spandex, same thing) and you can use it with stretch wovens or knits. If you need more stretch, go with a knit lining. These are like swimsuit linings – the kind that are slick and fairly opaque. If you are wanting more of a luxury stretch lining, opt for stretch silk charmeuse. Yes, stretch silk charmeuse! It’s got a little bit of lycra in it and makes a wonderful stretch lining for say something like a ponte knit jacket.
rayon crepe back satins
Last, but not least, coat and outerwear linings. There are a few options for lining a coat. You’ll want something substantial. For the money, I like rayon crepe back satin. This is a heavier weight than say, a bemberg rayon lining and you can also find linings that have flannel backings which are very nice. If you’re looking to line something really special you can opt for silk crepe back satin which is a heavier, more substantial version of silk charmeuse. It still retains a slick surface in addition to being drapey too.
Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Yay! Here are my online sources for finding these great lining fabrics:
Bemberg Rayon Lining (also known as “Ambiance”): Vogue FabricsLow Price Fabrics, Sawyer Brook
Silk Charmeuse: Mood FabricsThai Silks (for printed silks), Emma One SockGorgeous Fabrics
Silk Crepe De Chine: Fabric MartMood FabricsEmma One SockGorgeous Fabrics
China Silk: Mood FabricsGorgeous Fabrics
Silks you can dye yourself!: Dharma Trading
Printed Polyester Charmeuse: Low Price Fabrics
Knit & Stretch Linings: Emma One SockGorgeous Fabrics
Stretch Silk Charmeuse: Mood Fabrics
Coat Weight Linings: Vogue FabricsDenver FabricsMood Fabrics
Cotton Batiste: Organic Cotton Plus

Sewing Library: Easy Guide to Sewing Linings

I get a lot of requests on how to create linings for various types of garments. Friends, I could write a book on this subject because there are so many different types of garments out there and there are so many different lining treatments. Luckily though, I don’t have to because there is already a book that should be in every garment sewer’s library: Easy Guide to Sewing Linings by Connie Long. This is my go to book for creating linings in every type of garment/lining conundrum.
It covers everything from creating a lining for a jacket or a coat (great for when a pattern does not come with one, or if it did how it can be improved) to lining sweaters (that’s right! sweaters!) to 3 different solutions for lining a vented garment + so much more. So just to be clear, this book shows you how to create the paper pattern for the lining, how to sew it, in addition to providing outstanding info on how to pick a lining and what kinds of fabrics work for various lining treatments. If you don’t have this book, and you like lined garments, then all I have to say is “what are you waiting for?”
I have the real life book for my reference and at this point in time, I do believe this book is no longer in print. You can get a used version but the price can fluctuate quite a bit and probably more so since I’m posting about this today. However, guess what? There is a downloadable e-book and I can’t tell you enough that it is worth every single penny.
Later on this week, I thought I would also give you my insider resources for where to find great linings online and locally, in addition to my favorite linings and the kind of fabrics I use the most.
Do you have this book? If you do, isn’t it wonderful? It truly is one of the most amazing little books I own. Definitely a must have!