Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


  1. Glad you are going to make the cake - I'm sure your daughter will love it.

    There is a link in this post to the template I used for Hello Kitty's face (by the photos of my template on top of the cake). I just tested the link to make sure that it's still working and it is. Here's the link directly, if it's a bit easier:


    Hope that helps.... Any other questions, just let me know.

    LM x
  2. Oh my! I've been looking for a nice example to work off of. This is too adorable! I think I am just going to make her head. Thanks for the great tips! I'll show you how it comes out!
  3. Hi Meesah - please do! I love seeing people's cakes (a bit of an obsession) :). Thanks for stopping by!

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