Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

wednesday morning

Wednesday morning I was helping Miss S dress when I noticed the first few spots appear - the un-mistakable spots of Chickenpox.  All this week I had been working toward making a medium-sized wedding cake for a special tea party to celebrate the Royal Wedding, so I had the sudden realisation that neither her nor I would be able to attend the party.

No matter though, I finished the cake and dropped it off this morning and  before I left, I shot some pictures of the fantastic decorations my friend Emma had put up...

Union Jack bunting.

Don't you just love that Royal Wedding playmobil?

I made a couple of little rose arrangements to echo the cake topper.

Meanwhile, back home at Chickenpox central, Miss S and I were having the most lovely day.  About an hour and a half before the ceremony, while we were watching the guests arrive, we laid out all the feathery, flowery, ribbony and sparkly things we could find and made ourselves some fascinators.

Totally her design... I actually liked her one better than my own!

Despite our plans changing for the day, I have to say that I had the most amazing day.  I was four (same age as Miss S is now) when Charles and Diana got married and I can remember staying up to watch that on the TV with my family.  I hope that today I helped to make some great memories for Miss S that she will treasure always.

Well, it's minutes to the all-important balcony appearance and kiss, so I will sign off and plonk myself back in front of the TV so I don't miss it.

I hope you enjoyed the ceremony - if you did something special to celebrate, let me know in a comment below.

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