Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


Tutorial: Christmas Cinnamon Stick Wreath...

I have noticed that this above photo from last year is one of my most pinned pics on Pinterest, which reminded me that I wanted to do a tutorial to show you how I made it.  It's really a lot more simple than it looks (and smells really, really good!) and as far as materials go, as long as you've got a good supply of cinnamon sticks and a hot glue gun, you're good to go!

So, here's what you'll need to make a Christmas spice wreath:

My wreath measures 28cm (11") wide and used around 105 cinnamon sticks, but the amount you will need will depend on the size you choose.

* Craft-grade Cinnamon sticks, around 8cm (3") long.  Food-grade cinnamon sticks tend to be quite flaky and are not suitable for this project - just look on the label
* A hot glue gun (and plenty of spare hot glue sticks)
* Star anise (or other natural objects to decorate the wreath if you want to - dried berries, dried orange slices, small pinecones etc)
* A dinner plate and bowl, to make your template
* A pencil, and a piece of cardboard - like a cereal box - that is slightly bigger than your plate

The template:

Find a plate and bowl and draw around them to create the template as shown.  The gap between the plate outline and the bowl outline should be between 5.5 (2") and 7cm (2 & 3/4").  My cinnamon sticks were 8cm (3")and the gap was 6.5cm (2 & 1/2"). 

The wreath is created in six rounds.

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