Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013


Halloween: Pretty Paper Pumpkin Party Favours

Autumn is in full-swing here in Switzerland and it's time to think about some of those lovely Autumn traditions that my kids and I love.  It's also school holidays as well, so a bit of crafting is always in order!

These super-sweet little pumpkins are easy to make out of very basic materials and are perfect for handing out at your Halloween party - or, unfilled - perfect little decorations for your Autumn table.

I have to admit that I pilfered my daughter's idea for this craft.  This morning Miss S (6) met me out of the shower with a tray of pumpkins that she had made (pictured above). She loves to grab paper and just cut and fold and stick until it looks like something (wonder where she gets that from!).  I was so proud and my first thought was, let's make these into favours (I had to veto her "putting a candle in it" idea for obvious reasons!)

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