Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

my aunt and cousin in america

I started this blog three years ago in an attempt to share my projects and current obsessions with a wider audience.  In other words, my parents' squinty "ooohs" and "aaaahs" as I held my latest cake, painting or pair of knitted booties on a fuzzy skype screen was not enough for me anymore :).

The Mucky MacBook was coined so because I wanted to convey the level of "muck" and "mess" that is part of parenthood, especially when you try to be creative while parenting.  My house is not show-home perfect - I'm the kind of mother who ignores the washing because my daughter should have a small crocheted blanket for her doll's house, stat

My long-suffering husband has been in my life since we were 16 (married nine years now), and he gets that he is usually the only one who sees the shambles I leave behind me while you all get to see the end result of the projects, photographed up against the only clean wall in the house.

And speaking of my husband, Mr B is a notorious computer geek who works in Security for Google.  He owns wayhayhaaaaay too many google t-shirts, and even a lab coat (don't ask), and reads books entirely written in binary.

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